(713) 662-3999 patperrin@sbcglobal.net

Other Disorders And Conditions

Related Disorders and Other Issues

Additional related disorders commonly seen with OCD and anxiety include comorbid ADHD, eating disorders, and perfectionism.  Dr. Hull also treats other general conditions, not related to OCD, including stress related disorders, women’s issues, concerns common to adolescent girls, and health and wellness issues. 

Women's Issues including:

Empowerment, removing barriers to success, relationship issues, boundary setting and assertiveness, body image, self-esteem and self-worth, self-care while caring for others, work-life balance, and reproductive related mental health (see OCD and Related Disorders).

Comorbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Primarily Inattentive type, Primarily Hyperactive / Impulsive type, or mixed: ADHD is often encountered and treated when comorbid with OCD or an anxiety disorder.

Stress Related Disorders And Stress Management

Excessive stress can lead to psychological or physical challenges or disorders. Techniques used include relaxation exercises, meditation, problem-solving, mindfulness, challenging self-sabotaging thoughts, learning to prioritize, creating work-life balance, assertiveness, setting limits, and Positive Psychology techniques.

Adolescent Girls

The teenage years are challenging. For adolescent girls they present issues of unrealistic ideals regarding beauty, body image, sexuality, and sense of self-worth especially as represented in the media; having twice the incidence of depression that boys have; displaying a high incidence of eating disorders; and being confronted with confused messages regarding striving for success in terms of academic, athletic, and career goals, and in terms of how to be oneself and fit in. Because of these vulnerabilities in teenage girls, adolescence is also an optimal time for promoting messages that build healthy self-esteem, healthy self-care, and healthy coping strategies for these demands, that can serve them for a lifetime.

Eating Disorders

Anorexia or bulimia, characterized by fears of gaining weight, excessive food restriction, excessive exercise, purging, or compulsive overeating, which may or may not be a way of coping with anxiety or other feelings. These are often treated when co-morbid with OCD.


Needing to do things perfectly and fearing failure, often leading to avoidance of producing or completing things. The resulting procrastination, as deadlines approach, may lead to less than optimal products, e.g., less then “A” grades, leading to increased fear of failure and avoidance. In the book Pursuit of Perfect, Tal Ben-Shahar, Ph.D., makes a distinction between being a “perfectionist” – one who is totally focused on outcomes, and an “optimalist” – one who strives to do very well, but who can appreciate the process, accept failure, and learn from it regardless of the outcome. An optimalist, therefore, does not avoid completing things. For perfectionists, indecisiveness often occurs, reflecting intolerance of uncertainty. Perfectionism may occur in OCD or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It can respond to challenging self-sabotaging beliefs, and to exposure to making decisions and taking action despite fears.

Health And Wellness Issues

Weight loss and weight management
Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle

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(713) 662-3999
