(713) 662-3999 patperrin@sbcglobal.net

Evidenced-Based Treatments

specific to the unique needs
of the conditions treated

Therapy options for adults, adolescents and children.

Individual Psychotherapy

Once weekly psychotherapy, with or without family member as an adjunct. Dr. Hull is only meeting virtually by video.


Medications can often be helpful in conjunction with therapy to treat the disorders that Dr. Hull treats. When they are recommended, Dr. Hull can make referrals to psychiatrists familiar with these disorders, who can prescribe needed medications.

Family Based Therapy

To address family accommodation of OCD and to engage the family in supporting family members in treatment. 

Populations Served

Adults and Adolescents
Adults, Adolescents, and Children with OCD or BFRBs.

Evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT) are used at the OCD and Anxiety Treatment Center of Houston, e.g., Exposure and Response Prevention, challenging of cognitive distortions, habit reversal therapy, and strategies-based CBT for body-focused repetitive behaviors, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Exposure and Response Prevention

Exposure and response prevention (ERP), used for treating OCD and anxiety disorders, involves having individuals confront triggers for anxiety, starting with lower anxiety triggers, working up a hierarchy to more challenging triggers. During exposure the individual agrees not to engage in rituals or avoidance. The individual experiences anxiety, and with uninterrupted exposure, one experiences anxiety fading, or habituating.  ERP essentially retrains the brain, by triggering anxiety (exposure) and not interrupting habituation with rituals or avoidance (response prevention), which leads to reducing or eliminating anxiety in response to these triggers. A process called Inhibitory Learning takes place through repeated exposure and repeated habituation of anxiety, so that triggers come to be associated with Safety in place of being associated with Danger. The bottom line is, ERP removes the disorder from controlling one’s life and allows one to lead a life more of one’s choosing.


Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, considered the third wave of CBT, is used as an adjunct to other CBT approaches. ACT involves using mindfulness techniques, aimed at having an objective awareness of anxiety-producing thoughts, or other feelings and reactions.  It advocates having a willingness to experience one’s thoughts, feelings, and reactions, possibly experiencing anxiety in the process, without attachment to having to eliminate them.  Increasing tolerance of these reactions substantially decreases suffering. ACT also aims to help individuals identify their values and to live more in alignment with these values, less deterred by their anxiety disorders.


Areas of Expertise

In all cases, the patient is a strong collaborator in treatment planning.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Anxiety Disorders


Panic Disorder

Postpartum Mental Health

Co-morbid ADHD


Health & Wellness Issues

Medications can often be helpful in conjunction with therapy to treat the disorders that Dr. Hull treats. When they are recommended, Dr. Hull can make referrals to psychiatrists familiar with these disorders, who can prescribe needed medications.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book a virtual appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital.

(713) 662-3999
